Happy Birthday, Little Man! You are 20 months old today!

What have you been up to these past 20 months?

You weigh around 31 pounds
You now wear a size 6 diaper (target)
You wear only 24 month or 2T...no more 18 months
You grow more curious with each passing day.
- You love to talk.
- You wake up one time between 12:00-3:00 every night for a snack of milk.
- You LOVE ELMO...We are taking you to When ELMO Grows Up in January and we can't wait!
- You really like tractors!
- You wear a size 8 shoe.
- You LOVE Nemo Fruit Snacks and eat them for desert most nights!
- You nap from 12:00-2:00 on most days.
- You know what no means and now tell mommy and daddy no!
- I love you and am so proud to be called your mommy!