
Josie Claire One Month...

It's hard to believe our little princess is one month old! She has been such a little blessing for our family. She is just growing sooo fast...slow down Baby Girl!!!

What have you been up to Josie Claire?

You weigh 11.7 pounds.

You eat every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night.

You are wearing 0-3 month clothing. (some of it is getting tight!)

You wear size 1 diapers.

You don't like to sleep in your bassinet. :)

You LOVE to be held!

You haven't smiled at us yet...but we think you're close!

You LOVE taking a bath and especially getting your hair washed. You arch your back to try and get more water on your head!

You don't really like to ride in the car unless you're really tired. We go and pick up Grady from school each afternoon and you usually fuss there or back just wanting to get out!

Grady ADORES you and wants to kiss on you any chance he gets!

You like your bouncy seat and swing...but not for long periods. Mommy uses the bouncy seat so she can take a shower and watch you at the same time. We go this Friday for your one month check up and I will have your stats then. Thank you for being such an angel! We are so thankful that you are such a happy baby.

Easter 2011...

The Easter Bunny came to our house last Sunday!

Grady looked EVERYWHERE for his basket...

...before finding it on the front porch!

He couldn't believe the Easter Bunny brought a Spider-Man basket!

We got ready and headed over to Nana and Papaw's for lunch and an Easter Egg Hunt!

Nan even sent over a basket for Grady and Josie!

He found the PRIZE egg hiding in his playhouse!

Josie Claire slept through the whole thing! This is her sweet Easter outfit that I had made.

(I wish I had gotten a better picture of her in her little onesie...because she MESSED it up big time that afternoon!)

Looking at all his goodies inside the eggs he found...

We went home for a good nap before heading over to Nani's to meet up with Will, Cindy, and Avery for dinner and another Egg Hunt.

Sweet Avery (I love that face!)

Daddy and Josie (sleeping through another hunt)

Grady found a Spider-Man egg at Nani's!

Sweet Cousins

Happy Easter!!!


Precious Josie...

We continue to be amazed by our little doll, Josie Claire.

She is just sooo sweet and we are really soaking these newborn days up!

Just look at those sweet cheeks and double chin...

One of my best friends, Lisa took Grady out to the movies last Thursday.

He really enjoyed being with the "Big Kids".

They all couldn't wait to hold baby Josie.

Abby and Josie Ashley and Josie Alex and Josie
Dylan, Landon, and Josie

I asked Dylan if he wanted to hold her and he said, "No, I don't trust myself!" ha!

Avery and Cindy brought us dinner last Thursday night and Avery couldn't wait to get her hands on Josie. She is amazed that she is smaller than her! This picture below cracks me up. I would love to know what they are thinking!

Since Josie hasn't lost her umbilical cord, we have to wash her hair in the sink. Since it's so long and everyone rubs and kisses on it, we have to wash it frequently!
I can't wait to get her in the bath because she loves getting her hair washed!
All Bundled Up!

Grady has been doing a LOT of this lately...

He's just SO in love with her!
On Sunday afternoon, Pop and Granny Rose came over for a visit. They brought a rose that they had placed on their church's alter in honor of Josie Claire.

Granny Rose

Pop and Granny Rose with Josie

That evening we went over to Bryan and Brittney's for a little get together.
Amy, Josie, and Chandler

Josie and Chandler are less than 10 weeks apart! It will be neat to watch them grow up together!

Today, Grady went back to school. He was SOOOO proud to show off Josie to Mrs. Carla and his friends. When we got home he found a pink hair bow and placed it on top of Josie's head and thought that was so cute to have two hairbows!


Josie Claire Sullivan...

We welcomed our sweet baby girl Thursday, March 31, 2011 at 8:09 am.

She weighed 8 lbs. 15 oz. and was 21 in. long.

She is absolutely perfect in every single way!

We could not believe how much hair she had! I am in LOVE with it!!! Grady got to be the very first one to meet her. He was so sweet!

He was a little concerned with all the tubes and bracelets and kept asking, "Did you get a shot?"

Her first bath

She loved getting her hair washed!

all clean after her bath

I put her in this sweet monkey onesie for her first real outfit.

My sweet friend, Casey who now lives in D.C. sent this to me! So cute and so delicious!

Asten surprised me after she was born with an ipad 2. He said it was for having Josie and my birthday that was on Saturday! :)

My sweet, sweet doctor, Dr. Radpour. He is the absolute BEST!!!

Grady came back Thursday night after napping to spend some time with his baby sister. He was so proud!

I got these pretty flowers from my in laws, my work, Asten's work, and my grandparents.

We got to come home on Saturday, April the 2nd.

She wore this sweet pink and white outfit to come home.
She looks so snug in her carseat all ready to go!
When we got home, Grady was so excited to see her. He just wanted to hold her and check out every square inch of her little body.

We are blessed beyond words and so thankful for a healthy family of four!!!