I have been so sick with this pregnancy! I have not felt like doing anything but laying in bed. I have been able to work but once I get home I go straight to the bedroom to lie down. I am very HAPPY to say that I "think" I may be coming out of it. I am now 3 months along and praying that the worst is over.
So what have we been up to over the last month???
As you know from the last post, Grady got a cowboy hat at the Rodeo. Well he will NOT put it down for anything! He knows he can only wear it around the house, because I for one don't think a cowboy hat matches every outfit! His daddy may think otherwise.

He wears it while helping himself to a snack from the pantry.

He wears it while pretending to be spiderman!

He even wears it with his pajamas and rain boots!
He is so funny!!!
The other day, we were calling him to come into our bedroom and he wouldn't come. He had pushed his little chair over to the counter where he pulled everything out of my purse! He is such a mess!

And just a precious picture of my little boy:

I gave Cindy (my sister-in-law) a baby shower for little baby Avery at the beginning of August.

It turned out really cute. I had it at our neighborhood clubhouse, which is really nice to have available!