Wow...I am 14 days late posting this!!! Sorry for those of you waiting to see sweet pictures of our big girl! Happy 6 months to our precious little girl!
You weigh 17.13 pounds (90%)
You are 28 1/4 inches long (off the charts)
Your doctor said you were the average length of an 11 month old!
You can still wear some 6-9 month clothes.
For the length though you are mostly in 9 month clothing.
You eat a fruit with cereal for breakfast
a fruit and vegetable at lunch
You go to bed around 8:30 and we wake you up for school around 6:15 am.
You still love your paci to fall asleep with. You adore your big brother.
He makes you laugh!!!
We got you a walker and you love to play in it. Funny story...I took a ton of adorable pictures for this months "photo shoot".
When I finished I realized I had accidently put on the "7 month" sticker.
Needless to say you were not interested in taking anymore pictures but I had to get a few.
You mostly tried to tear your sticker off.
We love you so much baby girl! Happy 1/2 way to one year!!!
Hopefully this next half won't FLY by like this first half has!!!