Back in October, Grady and I went down to Disney with our friends Amy and Lisa and their boys.

Grady played fall ball for about 8 weeks and Asten coached his little team, the Boynton Red Sox.

Josie turned 7 months old at the end of October!

She loves bath time!!!

We celebrated Halloween:
This is Grady's school party.

All of our family came over that night for our annual Halloween party!
Here is Josie dressed up as a kitty cat for her 1st Halloween!

Grady had to be a red power ranger! Here he is with his buddy, Brock!

Avery dressed as Tinkerbell got kisses from the power ranger.

Grady and his new favorite toy, the iPad in November.

We celebrated thanksgiving at Asten's parents, but I didn't get any pictures on my phone. :(
Right after Thanksgiving, we started decorating for Christmas!

Josie started pulling up on everything in December.

Josie's 8 month / our christmas card photo shoot:

This was our Christmas card:

The kids' Christmas party at school was on December 16th.

We gave josh this for his Christmas present:

Opening presents. Christmas morning.

Right after Christmas, we decided to take off to the beach. This was Josie's first time at the beach!

Grady drove his own go cart!

He's turning in to such a BIG boy!!!
We stopped by Mashburn Equipment one day and of course he had to go for a little ride.

The Tennessee aquarium had their teacher appreciation day in January. So we took the chance to go for FREE!

Grady loved petting the sting rays.

We've had some crazy weather for January. But, it's been nice to go to the park! Josie loves the swings!!!

We celebrated groundhog day February 2nd! Look at these cute cookies one of my room mom's made!

My students loved them!
Grady has been going up to ride this horse named rose. He's ready to "go fast and jump".

Another students mom made Josie this sweet headband for Valentines day! Isn't she a doll?

This month, Josie and Grady rode together at the grocery store for the first time! Love these buggies!

I was very sick on valentines day! The kids loved their goodies we got them but I didn't even think to take a picture!
Josh came up this weekend! He's been a great help since Josie and I have been sick.

Between the two of us, we've been to the doctor 4 times this week!

We got together with one of my oldest friends (Casey) last night. She lives in DC and we have so much fun together.

Well this sums up the last four months! I now have an app on my phone where I can blog directly on here. So hopefully this will allow me to stay more up to date!