Christmas Break is here and I have a minute to update my blog.
Here's what we've been up to...
We had our annual Halloween Party at our house!
Josie was a fairy princess.
The Cousin's...
Grady was none other than John Cena!
We had a great time trick-or-treating this year. Josie really got into it! :)
My friend Sara-Kate got married in October. It was beautiful but FREEZING!!!
Grady played baseball for the third season this fall. He played on a 5/6 year old team. They all did really well!
Here he is with two of his buddies and their trophies!
My 2nd neice, Madi, was born! She is SO cute!!!
We celebrated Thanksgiving at Nana and Papaw's house.
Grady and Avery
Nan, Josh, and Barbara
Nana and her grandkids
The weather was so nice, the kids got to play outside all afternoon!
Grady took Avery and Josie for a ride on his Gator. They didn't want to get off! Notice Josie's seat belt! ha!
Grady is now in Pre-K at Ringgold First Baptist. He LOVES it! They put on the cutest Christmas Program Thursday night. He was the inn-keeper.
Our Christmas events start tomorrow!!!