This morning we woke up and went to Cracker Barrel. Grady and I shared french toast. He was such a good little boy! He has even learned to color without putting the crayons in his mouth! He was so good, we thought we would let him pick out a toy in the country store! ha!
He couldn't decide on just one and had so much fun playing with all the different little things. So we snuck out without buying anything! He has so many toys and if he isn't just in love with it, what's the point in buying another one?
We went up to the mall to run a couple of errands and ended up meeting Lisa. We had a great girls day together and Grady was so good! I got a lot accomplished! Josh drove up and met us around 3:00 and we had lunch at P.F. Changs. Then did some more shopping! Josh gets 25% off at Old Navy so I stocked up on some stuff!
It was Bryan's birthday, so we met everyone at Big River for a little surprise party! We had a good time, thanks for inviting us.
Last night I made another batch of cupcakes. The only way to truly practice, is to use realy cupcakes and let friends and family sample them! I'm just glad I have people around that will try because I can NOT eat all of the cupcakes I have been making!
Bryan, Josh, and Myles came over last night. Myles was really wanting to play with Grady.
He was more than willing to try out a cupcake!

This is what Myles' cupcake looked like when he was all "done".

Here are some of the designs I created last night! Again, these had the raspberry filling, but these were vanilla cupcakes.

I had used all the blue, so I filled the same bag with yellow and this is what I got. Cool, huh?