I couldn't resist posting this. After Grady's bath last night...he had to make a quick stop by the tree and I had to take a picture! :)
Two of my good friends from work came over Monday night for a wrapping party! Here we are in the middle of a huge mess! But the remainder of the presents got wrapped and we had fun!!!
Only one more day until Christmas!
Merry Christmas!
On the ninth day of Christmas, Grady received a green tractor with logs.
On the sixth day of Christmas, Grady received an animal puzzle.
On the fifth day of Christmas, Grady received a toy zebra.
Merry Christmas!
Sorry it's been so long. But, I had to wrap up all the loose ends in order to graduate with my Ed.S. I am happy to say...I AM DONE!!! So thankful that I can truly enjoy these holidays and not have any worries about completing shool work to submit.
We had broccoli casserole for dinner tonight. It sounded so good, but I felt like I couldn't just make a casserole and eat it as the main course. Is this ok to do? We all enjoyed it anyway!
3 1/2 days until Christmas break! So excited to spend time with my little monkey for 17 days. Josh is also coming in for a while...so we are looking foward to having him here. Grady loves his uncle "Osh!"
We got a wonderful surprise snow a week and a half ago. Grady loved looking at it, but not so much playing in it. I have been making ornaments to give as gifts this year. Here are a few I made a couple weeks ago.