We were fortunate enough to find a last minute condo special in Ft. Lauderdale. We left last Sunday and throughly enjoyed some fun and sun with our sweet friends, Myra and Scott. We stayed here:
Myra and Scott have three kids who are 9,10, and 13. They LOVE, LOVE, Grady!!! And he feels the same about them!
Monday we hung out by the pool all day and it was so nice! The weather in South Florida felt cooler than it does here. I guess the ocean breeze helps alot!
We got ready and went to this place for dinner:
It was right on the ocean next to the pier and it was so nice out that we were able to eat outside!
We had to get some beach pics afterwards...

Myra is such a good friend...

Our little family...
All four kids...
Ft. Lauderdale is just SO pretty.

Tuesday we spent all day at the beach. Grady had so much fun. He has been to the beach before on several different trips but he is at the perfect age to really soak it all in.
His favorite part:The sand!
I didn't want his little head to get burnt, so he wore his hat.

I would love to know what he was thinking... 

He loved grabbing seashells out of the sand!
He was so tired he fell asleep on his daddy's chest under the umbrella.
The hotel had a cute little playground that Grady just loved!
Wednesday we went to the dog tracks in West Palm Beach. Grady wasn't interested in betting on the dogs...but he sure loved drawing!
His favorite part of the race was when they would announce, "Here comes Rusty!" before letting the dogs out.
On Thursday, we went to Miami and Key Biscayne (the first of the Florida Keys)
Miami has the most beautiful homes. I would just love to know who lived in some of those houses!

We went to South Beach, but I didn't get any pictures. It was so CROWDED!!! It reminded me of being in NYC with all the cabs and horns honking! But, it was really neat.
Friday, we hung out by the pool all day and went and had dinner at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Co, on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale. It was so nice sitting out by the ocean.
We had an amazing vacation and I was so glad the Canady's got to go with us.
For now, I will enjoy these last few days of summer because it is back to work for me starting next Wednesday. :(