
Josie's Nursery...

Josie's nursery is complete and I realized I haven't posted ANY pictures of it!
So here you go...
After Christmas, Asten got our spare bedroom all emptied out!
I forgot to take a picture until it was empty.
Here it was...

Asten painted it a light green color that we matched from her bedding.

Then, he hung a creme chandelier that we bought from Home Depot.

This was me (at 28 weeks) back in January before we moved her furniture into the nursery.

I ordered a canvas with her name painted on it to hang above her crib.
A lady from South Carolina (The Peanut Paintshop) painted it for me and I just LOVE it!!!

I ordered her bedding from Polka Tot Designs in Mobile, Alabama right after Christmas because it took 6 weeks to make!

We got her "Vanilla" colored crib and changing table from Children's Fair here in Chattanooga.

After receiving SO many hairbows from my showers, I ordered a bow holder from the same lady who painted my canvas.

I can almost fill it up! But, I'm taking a lot with me to the hospital because you never know which one will go with which outfit!

This is me last weekend looking scary white and big at 37 weeks!
...and this would be Josie's closet!!!
I think she has enough outfits to get us started! ha!
We go Monday at 1:00 to find out when she will be making her arrival.
I THINK we finally have everything ready to go!!!
We can't wait to meet our sweet baby girl!


Grady's 3rd Birthday...

We celebrated Grady's 3rd birthday yesterday at Learning Express Toys. He wanted a Diego themed party so that's what he got! I am 9 months pregnant right now, so I was exhausted after a successful party yesterday!

I got his cake from Publix this year.
Learning Express Toys took care of everything! I just supplied the extra Diego things.
He wasn't sure what to think when he first walked in.

The kids played Pin the Nose on the Lion.

They also made candy necklaces.
They had a pinata for Grady but he had never played this game before. He didn't realize there was candy inside!
He still managed to find some suckers and tootsie rolls!
Amy and McCoy Kate came. She was too small for the big kid games, but she enjoyed watching them play.

They served Gigi's cupcakes.
They also painted lions and each child created a 3D animal.
All the crafts and games were so cute! They did a great job and I love that they entertained the kids. I do it all day every day and LOVE it when someone else takes charge!
He got way too many gifts (as always) but we've enjoyed letting him open one gift at a time yesterday and today. He still has about 5 or 6 that he has yet to open. This way he really can enjoy playing with each one.

Thanks to EVERYONE who helped us celebrate!
It's hard to believe he is 3!!!!
We love you Grady!

Baby Shower for Josie Claire...

On February 26th, my sweet friends threw me a shower.
It was Amy's house and was just perfect!
They had these adorable monogrammed cookies by Lisa's step-daughter, Laurin!

All the details were just perfect!

This picture below is so funny! Chandler, Layla, and McCoy Kate stealing their mommies attention. We're quickly adding a lot of kids to this group!

My co-workers and great friends!
Lisa, Kim, Me, Theresa, and Leigh Ann

Lots of gifts for Josie!

Josie's only cousin, Avery Rose made her appearance!

Josie's first tutu!

Amy and McCoy Kate

Thanks to all my sweet friends for a wonderful shower!!!
All of her gifts are put away and ready for her to arrive!!!