You weigh 11.7 pounds.
You eat every 3 hours during the day and every 4 hours at night.
You are wearing 0-3 month clothing. (some of it is getting tight!)
You wear size 1 diapers.
You don't like to sleep in your bassinet. :)
You LOVE to be held!
You haven't smiled at us yet...but we think you're close!
You LOVE taking a bath and especially getting your hair washed. You arch your back to try and get more water on your head!
You don't really like to ride in the car unless you're really tired. We go and pick up Grady from school each afternoon and you usually fuss there or back just wanting to get out!
Grady ADORES you and wants to kiss on you any chance he gets!
You like your bouncy seat and swing...but not for long periods. Mommy uses the bouncy seat so she can take a shower and watch you at the same time. We go this Friday for your one month check up and I will have your stats then. Thank you for being such an angel! We are so thankful that you are such a happy baby.