It seems like we just came home from the hospital yesterday!
You have started "talking" and coo and laugh just a little.

What are you up to these days, Josie Claire?
You weigh 13 lbs. 2 oz.
You nurse every 3 hours.
You eat 3.5-4 ounces in a bottle when mommy is away.
You are still wearing size 1 diapers.
You have outgrown 0-3 month and wear 3 or 3-6 month clothing.
You smile all the time now (but it's hard to capture on camera!)
You are holding your head up really well.
You still love to be held.
You still love to sleep in between mommy and daddy!
You go to bed around 11:00 pm and sleep until 3:00 am when you get hungry.
You then go back to sleep until around 7:00.
You like your swing and bouncy seat a little more (but not as much as being held! ha!)
You're doing better riding in the car.
We went on your first long car trip last weekend to Gatlinburg.
Grady calls you "Jose, Jose" and says "Can I kiss Jose, Jose?"
You love your paci (Nuk).
You love to watch fans and look at light fixtures.
We LOVE you so much Josie Claire! You have brought so much girly sweetness to our house! Can't wait to see what this next month holds...but please do us a favor and SLOW Down!!!