Our sweet girl turns 3 months old today!
She continues to be the sweetest little girl! We are so blessed!

What have you been up to, Josie Claire?
You weigh 14.9 pounds
You're still wearing size 1 diapers.
You're wearing 3 month and 3-6 month clothes.
You sleep from 10:30-4:30 each night (...in your bassinet! Yay!)
You like to "blow bubbles" with your mouth.
You smile ALOT but it's really hard to capture on camera.
You still like to play in your bouncy seat. You talk to the little moving animals!
You don't care too much for your swing.
Your hair can sometimes be WILD!
You LOVE your Nuk Paci...and must have it in order to fall asleep.
You really like to watch Grady play.
You make the sweetest faces!
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