Good News...
We went back to the doctor and he said that the pneumonia is gone. We are able to drop back to giving the breathing treatments every 6-8 hours instead of every 4. He still has a cough, but he said that should be gone by next week. Hopefully in time for his birthday party!
Ok here it goes...25 random things about me
I have read these everywhere and thought I would give it a try...
1. I really want to visit Hawaii, Bermuda, Jamaica, and Ireland.
2. I was 15 when I met my husband.
3. I have visited two other countries.
4. By the age of 25, I will have obtained my bachelor's, master's and specialist degree.
5. My son Grady and I share the same zodiac sign (Aries).
6. I have a lucky charm, Grady, who was born on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day.
7. I have two chihuahas.
8. I would love to open an upscale children's boutique, one day.
9. I sometimes wish I would have gone to school to become a pediatrician so that I wouldn't have to trust someone else to tell me what's wrong with my baby.
10. I wish I didn't love sweet things.
11. I am younger than the parents of my first graders, which sometimes makes me feel insecure.
12. I love reality t.v.
13. I'm not a good housewife, but my husband loves me anyway. :)
14. My best friend is 15 years older than me.
15. I would love to have a daughter one day.
16. I never met my maternal grandmother.
17. My brothers and I all go by a nickname. William, Katherine, and Joshua just wouldn't fit, would it?
18. I love ranch dressing
19. I have a snake in my house, a stuffed rattlesnake. Thanks to my husband. ha
20. I really need and want to have Lasik eye surgery.
21. I love New York City...but couldn't live there.
22. I would love a new car, but don't want a car payment.
23. I can type really fast.
24. I will buy anything with a monkey on it for my monkey, Grady!
25. My baby will be one in three weeks. I can not even believe it!
1. I really want to visit Hawaii, Bermuda, Jamaica, and Ireland.
2. I was 15 when I met my husband.
3. I have visited two other countries.
4. By the age of 25, I will have obtained my bachelor's, master's and specialist degree.
5. My son Grady and I share the same zodiac sign (Aries).
6. I have a lucky charm, Grady, who was born on March 17th, St. Patrick's Day.
7. I have two chihuahas.
8. I would love to open an upscale children's boutique, one day.
9. I sometimes wish I would have gone to school to become a pediatrician so that I wouldn't have to trust someone else to tell me what's wrong with my baby.
10. I wish I didn't love sweet things.
11. I am younger than the parents of my first graders, which sometimes makes me feel insecure.
12. I love reality t.v.
13. I'm not a good housewife, but my husband loves me anyway. :)
14. My best friend is 15 years older than me.
15. I would love to have a daughter one day.
16. I never met my maternal grandmother.
17. My brothers and I all go by a nickname. William, Katherine, and Joshua just wouldn't fit, would it?
18. I love ranch dressing
19. I have a snake in my house, a stuffed rattlesnake. Thanks to my husband. ha
20. I really need and want to have Lasik eye surgery.
21. I love New York City...but couldn't live there.
22. I would love a new car, but don't want a car payment.
23. I can type really fast.
24. I will buy anything with a monkey on it for my monkey, Grady!
25. My baby will be one in three weeks. I can not even believe it!
Grady stayed with my mother in law today and did great. He is definitely on the road to recovery. We go to see the pediatrician tomorrow to make sure that the pneumonia is getting out. Hopefully he will give us a good report because we need to get Grady's 1st Birthday pictures made ASAP. I want to have them ready to send out with invitations to his party, which need to go out Saturday. Who knows, they may just be plain old invitations. That would be ok, I guess. :) I will leave you with a picture of him from a year ago....

Grady is better...
Grady is doing a lot better! He is still not back to his normal self, though. He has been pretty fussy and is hating doing the breathing treatments. At least he isn't running a fever and his appetite is coming back. It is so hard when he can't tell you where it hurts. We started his oral antibiotic today. At first, he threw it up. Then, I mixed it with yogurt and he swallowed it. Hopefully by the end of the week we will have our old monkey back. :)
Just a quick post. Grady has Pneumonia. The doctor finally found it today after three days in the doctor's office. He has had two rounds of a strong antibiotic through shots in his legs. He will start an oral antibiotic tomorrow. Hopefully this will take and we will not end up in the hospital. That's all for now. Hope you are all well.
Us in front of our Cruiseship, Carnival Fascination
We got home this afternoon around 4:00 but, we had to take Grady to the doctor at 6:00 to see the after hours doctor. He had a little cold going on before we left and while we were gone it progressively got worse. The doctor said he now has Bronchiolitis. So...we are now back on breathing treatments every 4 hours. He is acting fine, but doesn't sound very good. So we are working on getting him better.
About the cruise, Key West and Nassau, Bahamas were both gorgeous. It was 75-80 degrees in both places and not a cloud in the sky. We are used to traveling to our vacation spot and staying there for a week so that we can go at our own pace. The whole cruise deal restricts you from really seeing the locations. On top of Grady getting sick, Asten got a stomach virus the second day and I got an infected toe (eww, I know) from my pedicure here in Ringgold. I will not mention the name but it is behind Cracker Barrel and I will not be going back! So the cruise itself was not for us, but it was great to see the locations again!
Anyway the weather was great and we were reminded how much we LOVE Key West. It is such a neat city with so much history! We have been to Grand Bahama Island in the Bahamas but never to Nassau. The Atlantis resort is located on Nassau and is phenomenal! We spent all day Thursday there and bought a pass so that we could enjoy all (20 something) of their pools, beautiful gardens and aqariums. In the picture below, you can see the connecting part. This is the $25,000.00 per night suite that is used by Oprah, Michael Jordan, and Britney Spears. Asten booked this for our three year anniversary...he could only afford 3 nights though. :) yeah right
On a train ride through Key West
Inside the aquarium
would make an animal out of towels. Here is the crab.
when we say Touch Down!!! Isn't he the most precious thing?
No more blogging...for a week...
So we are celebrating Valentine's at home this year. Actually at my dad and Laurie's. We are cooking over there because Josh is in town and we really don't want to battle the crowds. Plus we leave in the morning for our cruise and we will have plenty of nice dinners while we are on vacation!
I think we have everything packed and ready to go in the morning. It takes so much with a baby...alot different from the last time we went out of the country. I thought about taking my laptop with me on the cruise, but I would be on it constantly and it wouldn't be much of a vacation. So...I will update when I get home!
I hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Also, tomorrow is my Pop's birthday! Happy Birthday, Pop. I love you!!!
I think we have everything packed and ready to go in the morning. It takes so much with a baby...alot different from the last time we went out of the country. I thought about taking my laptop with me on the cruise, but I would be on it constantly and it wouldn't be much of a vacation. So...I will update when I get home!
I hope you all have a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Also, tomorrow is my Pop's birthday! Happy Birthday, Pop. I love you!!!
A couple of things....
Tomorrow is our Valentine's party at school. The kids get more excited about this holiday than even Christmas. It is also my last day before Winter break!!! Yay! We are still packing for our cruise and will leave Sunday right after church. Isn't Grady the cutest Valentine ever? I am so blessed. Oh...he also started taking steps around our coffee table. He'll be walking before we know it. :)
10 months
No Sale...
Well we got stood up by the couple who were coming to see our house. But, it wasn't a complete wash. We ended up calling our realty agent. She came and it is now listed! We'll see what happens.
Pump it up

Our little monkey is turning ONE!!!!
Time Flies...
It's hard to believe that our baby, Grady is almost 11 months old. It seems like yesterday he was up all night and eating every hour. :) I am starting this so that I can better document his life with the hopes that one day he will appreciate it!
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