This is a week late. You turned 18 months on 9-17-09! You are growing into such a big boy! But, you will always be mommy's little baby!
What are you up to these days?
- You are still wearing size 5 diapers
- You are wearing 24 month clothing
- You wake up 2-3 times a week for a little 2 am snack (milk)
- You LOVE climbing on things. The couch, chairs, etc.
- We got you an ELMO ball pit a couple of weeks ago. You love getting in it with Cocoa and Reese.
- The bath still soothes you when you are fussy.
- You know how to turn on the jets in mommy and daddys tub to make lots of bubbles!
- You love having your teeth brushed.
- You have so much fun chasing Cocoa and Reese around the house
- You sing I love you from Barney..."I huhhhh me" :)
- You are the cutest little penguin I've ever seen! You will be in your uncle Will's wedding on October 24, 2009. You'll be 19 months when the wedding gets here.

At the shower, you put on these shoes and thought you were hilarious as you walked around in them. :)
You are so funny!
Last weekend, we had my brother Will and his fiance Cindy a wedding shower here at our house. Here is my new cupcake stand with the cupcakes we had at the shower. It's not a great picture...I didn't take any until the party was half over. I had their new monogram and wedding date on the tops of the cupcakes.
My friend at work "hired" me to make her daughter some cupcakes for her 6th birthday party. Her little girl wanted "Pink Only"! :) Here they are...