
Happy 18th Month Birthday to my little cupcake...

This is a week late. You turned 18 months on 9-17-09! You are growing into such a big boy! But, you will always be mommy's little baby!

What are you up to these days?
  • You are still wearing size 5 diapers
  • You are wearing 24 month clothing
  • You wake up 2-3 times a week for a little 2 am snack (milk)
  • You LOVE climbing on things. The couch, chairs, etc.
  • We got you an ELMO ball pit a couple of weeks ago. You love getting in it with Cocoa and Reese.
  • The bath still soothes you when you are fussy.
  • You know how to turn on the jets in mommy and daddys tub to make lots of bubbles!
  • You love having your teeth brushed.
  • You have so much fun chasing Cocoa and Reese around the house
  • You sing I love you from Barney..."I huhhhh me" :)
  • You are the cutest little penguin I've ever seen! You will be in your uncle Will's wedding on October 24, 2009. You'll be 19 months when the wedding gets here.
When did my little baby turn into such a handsome little man???

At the shower, you put on these shoes and thought you were hilarious as you walked around in them. :)

You are so funny!

Last weekend, we had my brother Will and his fiance Cindy a wedding shower here at our house. Here is my new cupcake stand with the cupcakes we had at the shower. It's not a great picture...I didn't take any until the party was half over. I had their new monogram and wedding date on the tops of the cupcakes.

My friend at work "hired" me to make her daughter some cupcakes for her 6th birthday party. Her little girl wanted "Pink Only"! :) Here they are...


My little cowboy...

I'm sorry it's been so long. I have been super busy with work, school, and extra festivities. I am actually hosting a couples wedding shower this afternoon!

Grady was given some cowboy boots that are sooooo adorable. Unfortunately he is unsure of how to walk in them without falling over everywhere! He thinks it's hilarious!
Disregard the Grady fingerprints ALL over the stove! ha!
So...I've been wanting to get some curtains for our dining room and bedroom. Since we were having the shower here this weekend...it was a good excuse to go and purchase them! These actually didn't work out for my dining room so I ended up using them in my bedroom. Grady LOVES to play with the ladder while Daddy is hanging them!

Some cupcakes I made for bible study two weeks ago. Strawberry cupcakes with cream cheese filling and cream cheese icing!

Somebody's gotta lick the spoon! :)This is Grady's great-grandfather, John. He is 81 years old.
This is his great-grandmother, Nan. Both of these are on Asten's side. :) He was smacking her in the head with the fly swat!

Daddy and Grady on Nan and John's porch!



I LOVE this time of year. It is my very favorite season and not just because of the weather and changing leaves, it is also FOOTBALL season! I Love, Love, Love Georgia Football. The older I get, the more I enjoy watching other SEC teams play football. Afterall, it is the best conference! Yesterday our dawgs played Oklahoma State and we didn't prove anything on opening day. :( Oh well, at least it wasn't a conference game!

GOOOOOO DAWGS...'Sic Em ooooohhhhhh!

We went to our friends, Lisa and Rodney's and had a great time with everyone! I got up early and made these special cupcakes to celebrate opening day!!!
Friday night, Asten and I had a date night. We went to PorVino's and then to the Rave to see Julie & Julia. It was cute. This is Gray and I before he went to Poppy and Gigi's. Date nights are great...but we sure missed our monkey!
Today our pastor used the phrase, "Pay for a babysitter now or a divorce attorney later!" He said it was horrible to say but it is so true. Parents need adult time every now and then! :)