You are 19 months old today! You are growing into such a hansome, funny, little man!
What are you up to these days???
- You weigh 30.4 lbs (95%).
- You are in the 100% for height.
- You still wear a size 5 diaper.
- You are wearing 24 month pants.
- You love reading books! This makes mommy so happy!
- Some 18 month onesies still fit. (I love how cute you look in a onesie!)
- You LOVE pears!
- ELMO is still your very favorite.
- You also love playing with trucks and tractors.
- You really like riding your horsey. You have two different ones and love them both!
- Bathtime is still so much fun for you.
- You love pushing the jets button on and off.
- You can point to the correct part when I say eyes, nose, mouth, hair, foot, ear, hand, and belly button.
- You love to give knuckle (fist to fist with daddy).
- You can say mama, dada, byebye, baby, melmo, papaw, nana, eye, nose, doggie, poppy, gigi, and beep beep.
- You just recently started saying bye bye mama!
- You usually sleep from 9:00-8:00!
- You take a nap around 11:30-2:00.
- You can hop from one foot to the other. :) (...or try so hard to)
- You can eat with a spoon and fork all by yourself and refuse to let anyone help you out!
- You love to kiss things! Here you are kissing your horsey.

Happy birthday baby boy! I love you more than you will ever know. You make my life so complete. I leave tomorrow for my conference in Atlanta and will miss you oh so much! Take care of daddy and I will see you on Wednesday night!
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