Uncle Josh...


He doesn't mind the machine as long as he is in control of his mask. We used to have to hold him down and give him treatments, but he has gotten much better!
Last Saturday was Grady's friend Eli's birthday. We went over and had his favorite meal, spaghetti and celebrated with Gigi's cupcakes! yum! He turned 4 but Grady is bigger than him! He is such a sweet little boy.

This morning was our neighborhoods' community yardsale.
I woke Josh up at 7:45 and left Grady and daddy sleeping in bed. We hit the streets for some great buys!
A lady on the back street had some of her handmade items for sale. I got this adorable reversable tie for $8.00. It has an elastic neckband for comfort! Isn't it so cute?
The same girl made this little invention and I absolutely LOVE it!
It's for me to keep in my purse for "emergency" situations at restaurants! ha!
I even had to break it out today while we were eating lunch.
I was so excited she had the sock monkey fabric!
I found a file cabinet next door for $10.00. I needed something bigger to file our important documents in.

Disney World...

We stayed at the Waldorf Astoria.
Here is Pop-Pop and Grady in the pool.

Waiting for Aladdin's Magic Carpet Ride

Picture Post...

Last night, I had a birthday dinner party at the Southern Star in Downtown Chattanooga!
On our way to dinner.

Just a couple pictures...