My sweet friend, Leigh Ann, is the most thoughtful and creative person! In every little detail she makes, she puts a lot of thought into it. I worked with her for 5 years before she transferred to a new school. :( I miss seeing her sweet face everyday!
She wanted to run some movies by to keep me busy. This sweet package was waiting on my doorstep:

From the little starfish to the raffeta sticking out...she's so creative! I would never think to add those little details. :)

She had about 20 DVDs wrapped up in tissue paper along with homemade soaps in a bag of oats, a loofah, and a sweet zebra bathroom bag. She's just so cute!
My friend Amy B. brought dinner over Monday night. She is such a thoughtful and caring person! She teaches 5th grade at my school and is such a wonderful teacher!
I look up to her so much and go to her a lot for advice.
She got married at the beach last month and her big wedding reception is tonight but even with all that she had going on this week she delivered this:

She and I love the movie Due Date, double doozies from Great American Cookie co, and magazines! These double doozies hit the spot while i was cooped up in my bedroom!
My sweet friend Theresa brought dinner over Thursday night. She and I have become so close since she moved up to first grade from kindergarten. She's moving up to 2nd grade this year :( but, her classroom is still just 2 down from mine. :)
Another precious friend, heather, sent dessert and tons of hair bow stuff to keep me busy. I taught myself how to make hair bows for Josie!

I really am so lucky to work at Westside!!! We are like a family there and I cant imagine working anywhere else!
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