Did you know that...I LOVE SUMMER!!!
But I don't love the heat that comes with summer.
I just LOVE the fun things I can do when I'm not working!
Yesterday my girlfriends (Magen, Amy, Regina, & Lisa) came over and we had a pool day!
We went to lunch before hitting the pool.
I wish I had a picture.
Then, last night we met the newlyweds, Magen and Brennan, here:
for this:

On Wednesdays at Bonefish they have $5.00 "Bang Bang Shrimp".
If you have never tried this, you are missing out!!! It is so good...but it is spicy.
Asten took off today and tomorrow. This morning we went to the pool and it was so nice to relax by the pool and let daddy swim with Grady.
After his nap we are headed here:
It's too hot to do anything outside besides swim! =)
Hope you're all having a good week!!!

Love it! thanks for coming over & checking out and making burp cloths with me! It was soo fun!! Even when i spilled 9,000 seashells!