My Pop and Rose came over yesterday to bring us a housewarming gift! They are my precious grandparents and Grady's great-grandparents. He had so much fun playing with them.
Ashley and Ella Grace came over to see our new house. Grady always loves playing with EG. She is 2 1/2 but they are about the same size. They are coming over again today and we are all going to go swimming! I'll get some pictures of the kids together and post later!
I cooked BBQ boneless ribs last night and then we took off to Lowe's to spend our housewarming gift card. Thanks, Pop and Rose.
I wanted a nice stainless trashcan for my kitchen. But, they only had one. It was 50.00 and not big enough to hold one day's worth of trash for us. So I settled on a smaller, more plain one and got to get one for our guest bath too. I also got a new broom and mop.
Thank you again, Pop and Rose.