HAPPY 16th Month BIRTHDAY, Sweet Boy!

What have you been up to?
- you weigh 28 lbs. (95%)
- You are in the 97% for height
- You are wearing a size 5 diaper.
- You wear size 18-24 month clothes.
- You walk everywhere!
- You can say: mama, dada, bye-bye, uh-oh, baby, melmo (Elmo :), nana, night-night, isa (Lisa)
- You eat all table food!
- Cheese is a favorite of yours!
- You sleep from 9:30-8:00.
- Your favorite toy is a John Deere Tractor...you push it all over the house!
- You love to go to Mrs. Carla's. Two days a week in the summer!
- You love the neighborhood swimming pool!
- You aren't scared at all of the water and that worries mommy a little bit!
- You love chasing after Cocoa and Reese. They don't love it as much as you do!
- Your favorite outdoor toy is your cozy coupe!
- You are learning to eat using a fork and spoon.
- You are growing into a little man...way too fast for mommy!
I love you so much and look foward to many more milestones!
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